Yet Another Ethereum laboratory.

Next Upgrade

Pectra is the next Ethereum upgrade that is planned for end of Q1 2025
Currently, the following EIPs are part of Pectra:
  • EIP-2537: Precompile for BLS12-381 curve operations
  • EIP-2935: Save historical block hashes in state
  • EIP-6110: Supply validator deposits on chain
  • EIP-7002: Execution layer triggerable exits
  • EIP-7251: Increase the MAX_EFFECTIVE_BALANCE
  • EIP-7549: Move committee index outside Attestation
  • EIP-7623: Increase calldata cost
  • EIP-7685: General purpose execution layer requests
  • EIP-7691: Blob throughput increase
  • EIP-7702: Set EOA account code
  • EIP-7840: Add blob schedule to EL config files


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Simulators based on the Ethereum consensus specs.


Slashing Simulator

The slashing model is revamped with Pectra to accomodate for validators with a higher effective balance, and also to be more permissive torwards operator errors which do not threaten the security of the network.

The slashing penalty for a given stake depends on the number on the number of stakes on the network (Network Staked Amount) and the number of slashes that happened 36 days around the slashing of the stake (Slashing Event Scale).

Command Center

Diversity Risk

Diversity Risk Simulator

On Ethereum, operators have to chose a consensus client type. Each client offers different trade-offs in terms of security, performance, and features. However there is an inherent risk that arises for clients that are used by more than 1/3 of the network for a specific category of bugs. If this category of bugs arises as it happend on testnets, the incurred penalty for stakes running under those clients is unavoidable. It is thus important to rely on operators that use minority consensus clients.

Command Center

This simulator uses the Rated Network estimations of consensus client type usage. More on this topic can be found in our series of R&D articles on the topic: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3.


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